Creative Sol House

Dart 3.0 Major Updates

Dart is a programming language which is used to develop web and mobile apps as well as server and desktop applications. At Google IO 2023, Google announced the stable version of Flutter as 3.10 and Dart as 3.0. In Dart 3.0 Records are a groundbreaking addition, enabling you to create anonymous, immutable data structures. Use records to effortlessly group objects, generate composite map keys, or even return multiple values from functions.

Dart 3.0 improves null safety by introducing new operators and extensions. The null-assertion operator (!!): Use !! to throw an exception if the expression is null. The null-safe spread operator (...?): Use ...? to safely spread a nullable iterable. Dart's linter has been upgraded to provide more detailed warnings, suggestions, and error messages, making it even easier to write high-quality, maintainable code.


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